Thursday, May 12, 2016

Maths PL 5 Talk Moves

Attended staff PL learning about 5 Talk moves.
Maths PL
Facilitated by Rachael Carson - Te Toi Tupu

Todays PL was focussed on developing student discussions to facilitate maths learning for children. It also included some problem solving tips -  eg:  (4.7x8 - several ways to work this out)

5 Talk Moves

- what are the other ways of doing this
repeat others thinking
add on  - prompting - how did you do that?
re-voice in teacher speak
agree or disagree?  why?
: wait time to think & process

Think Boards - laminated sheets for using with equipment or solving problems by drawing on them.

Maths curriculum expectations are that students solve problems in meaningful contexts.

1. Launch the problem - language, context, read the problem with the children so all understand the

2. Think time to assess the problem alone, then discuss with a peer to check understanding & teacher
    can observe & monitor how students  attempt the problem.
3. Pair - traffic lights - Green - independent; orange - understand but need some support; red - need
4. Share - talk builds memory & robust learning, deep reasoning.
5. Self reflection & practise - journalling write down what they learnt today?

Creating the environment for professional problem solving is essential for a successful programme.

 - children can then construct their own learning.

Team task is to plan a problem solving lesson (- as per slide).

Personal challenge - pick one talk move to use this week then add on with a new one each week. 

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