Friday, July 22, 2016

Connected July 2016
KeyNote Speaker Marcus Akuhata-Brown

When a crisis hits what connections do you have?
Where is a place you can go when a crisis hits?
What connections do you have in your immediate world and the wider world?
Having significant people in your life allows you to know where to go in your moment of crisis.

In the connection to a place builds connections to people.
Lots of people walking around feeling vulnerable, lonely, scared and not connected with anyone or any place.
How can we ‘teach’ connectedness to learners who may not have this modelled at home? Or have been to many homes/schools in their lives?
Lack of vision can be directly related to a degraded state of mana.
Waiata is to inform learning not just a entertainment, it can help you to process information.Eg By the rivers of Babylon. Tell us your story by song, sing about

This is my story, my whakapapa, relationship to people and place,
All the names  in history were connected and had a meaning and purpose to person.
Become condition by the environment. It was convenient for those who had power to keep the young people in the box, parameters  coz it is easy for ‘us’ to control them where they are comfortable.
Coming from the same whakapapa If I can make it you can make it
If we are operating from head we will be just 1, 2 or 3 but we operate from head we can make a difference.Head and heart need to connect, like clapping , power to change.
Powerful thing is when your head and heart are connected and can change your life. Trying to make good choices and decisions, never believed in myself, thought I was never too good.
Wisdom is in the room, when it starts
Encouragement by the teacher made my way to the university, the first one in the family.I was out of comfort zone, the further from the comfort zone, the more growth the flow , the movement occurs. Real growth occurs  when you want to grow yourselves and how  uncomfortable you are willing to become.
When you are in journey with people its hard work , the ebbs and flows can be challenging to your life.
Probably want to give perspective what does it mean to you. If there is fire in your puku then you can become what you want to be
I was with the people who made a difference, had passion and belief to change the world.
You must become the change that you want to see.
Went to England, met Prince Charles, saw my green taonga and said “ I see you are from New Zealand”
I am here coz someone came to me  when I was at school and challenged me  and I still challenge myself
you can never underestimate what can happen  when you choose to make a difference.
Life is like a coin, you can choose to spend it anywhere but you can spend it only once.

It's not programs, it's not policies it's people, that make a change.
You must become the change you want to see in the world - Gandhi

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